Sharia Court In Session In San Diego - Zappy Pizza *Fake* Hate Crime


Patriot Fire


Published on Jun 15, 2017

An American offended a young Muslim when they praised Trump and blasphemed Islam. The Muslim, Mustafa Sahid, approached the men in an aggressive, threatening manner with his fists up in a boxing position and get in their faces. One of the three men punched the Muslim and a scuffle ensued. The Muslim was not seriously injured, but our very political, far-left Deputy DA of Hate Crimes, Oscar Garcia, decided to pursue felony hate crime charges against all of the three Americans. The real "crime" these men committed was to blaspheme Islam in a part of the city known as "Little Mogadishu" because several tens of thousand of Somali refugees have been resettled there.

San Diego Deplorable Defense Fund

The court is not consciously enforcing Sharia, but in effect, enforcing it by appeasing the Muslim accusers and punishing the three defendants according to the expectations of the Muslims, which are based on Sharia.

The comments and images of the accuser and his father, a leader of the Somali community, have been edited into the original NBC7 broadcast.

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