CAIR Guide to Sharia-Compliant Public Schools in San Diego


Patriot Fire


Published on May 9, 2017

This publication by CAIR outlines their plan to achieve to basic compliance with Sharia, the theocratic religious law of Islam, in public schools. San Diego is just the prototype for other large school districts. If it works in San Diego, CAIR will attempt to roll Sharia out everywhere. San Diego Unified School District has 200 schools with 130,000 students. It is governed by a board of radical, pro-Islam, progressives.

Why is this Sharia? All of the religious obligations of Muslims stem from Sharia. In so far as the school accommodates these religious practices, they are complying with Sharia. When the school disciplines children for disrespecting Islamic religious practices, the school is actually enforcing Sharia, subjugating American children to the religious law of Islam (Sharia). They may not yet be cutting off hands and beheading people or engaging in sex-slave mongering, but it is an initial implementation of basic Sharia concepts. Given time and opportunity, they will eventually implement the full Sharia regimen.

CAIR's Educator's Guide in PDF format:

Presentation outlining SDUSD's plan to implement Sharia, starting in the next school year.

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