Status-6: Russia's new unmanned nuclear submarine / Doomsday weapon


Pravda Report


Published on Jan 18, 2018

Pentagon officials said that Russia has developed a very powerful weapon, which Western specialists have already dubbed as the "doomsday weapon."

Not that long ago, US military specialists did not believe in its existence. These days, however, a special report from the Pentagon has officially confirmed that Russia's project has become real.

It goes about the Status-6 unmanned nuclear-powered submarine capable of carrying a nuclear weapon of 100 megatons.

While the USA develops the missile defence system to be able to intercept any nuclear-capable missile, Russia has chosen an untraditional way. If the United States dares to attack Russia, Russia will retaliate by launching its most lethal weapon under the water surface, rather than by air. Russia has thus nullified all of American military projects based on the concept of the unresponsive nuclear strike on Russia.

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