US warships with Tomahawk missiles visit Ukraine too often


Pravda Report


Published on Jan 10, 2018

It appears that Ukraine is working hard to build a US Navy base in the city of Odessa. US warships call at the port of Odessa once in every three months. Most recently, while the Russians were celebrating Christmas, US destroyer USS Carney DDG-64 arrived in Odessa at nighttime.

According to representatives of the Sixth Fleet of the US Navy, the purpose of the mission is to conduct operations to ensure security at sea and strengthen combined readiness and naval capabilities among NATO allies and partners.

In the Nikolayev region of Ukraine, US naval specialists continue the construction of the Operational Control Center for the Ukrainian Navy. The construction began in July 2017. Thus, as we can see, the Pentagon, under the guise of military assistance to Ukraine, has been deploying modern infrastructure in the country to conduct military operations and NATO reconnaissance activities in the Black Sea

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