Russia's new second-to-none gliding aerial bomb ready air bomb


Pravda Report


Published on Jan 9, 2018

The Russian army is said to receive a new aerial bomb in the near future. The new bomb, known as "Drel," undergoes standard tests in accordance with the program of the Defence Ministry.

The Drel bomb is a new example of the gliding bomb dispenser equipped with self-targeting combat elements. The aerial bomb is capable of gliding for tens of kilometres to neutralise heavy equipment.

The bomb will be invisible to radars. The target destruction range reaches up to 30 kilometres (after the bomb separates from the carrier).

The new bomb has no engine. The vehicle detects the target with the help of GLONASS guidance system. The cluster mechanism opens up at an altitude of 250 meters. The new bomb can be used in all weathers around the clock. It can be used without the need for the aircraft to enter the zone of enemy's air defences. The bomb weighs 540 kilograms and has the maximum bombing altitude of 14 kilometres.

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