BBC Local Elections Coverage 2022 in Derby, Georgia Roberts & Laura Kuenssberg




Published on May 5, 2022

BBC Local Elections Analysis 2022 in Derby Georgia Roberts & Laura Kuensberg

As per tradition in the social media era, the hashtag #dogsatpollingstations has been trending on Twitter today while the local election polls have been open.

Because dogs are largely not allowed inside polling stations across the UK, they are often spotted patiently waiting outside while their humans are casting votes.

Among those sharing tweets was Helen Kiernan, from Derby, who posted a picture of her six-year-old Labrador, Sandy.

#dogsatpollingstations #govote #Elections2022 you can always depend on Sandy the #labrador for your vote, she dragged me in and out the polling station, fastest vote ever #agility #derbycity #UseYourVote #dogsoftwitter #elections #Derbyshire #voting #hungry #pet #carrotnowplease
— Helen Kiernan (@1979Yummymummy) May 5, 2022

Ms Kiernan told the PA news agency: “It was hilarious having her with me. She comes everywhere with me so it seemed natural to take her.”

She added that Sandy, who has accompanied her to vote “many times before”, had “dragged” her in and out of the polling station, leading to the “fastest vote ever”.

Politicians also joined in the fun, with both Sadiq Khan and his London mayor predecessor, prime minister Boris Johnson, taking their dogs out for a walk to their local voting venue.

London - local elections are taking place across our city today - and your vote matters.

It's never been more important to have your say about the future of our city.

Luna says #VoteLabour! 🐶🌹#dogsatpollingstations
— Sadiq Khan (@SadiqKhan) May 5, 2022

Mr Khan has a labrador called Luna, which has been part of his family since 2017 when she was a puppy.

Mr Johnson took his Downing Street dog Dilyn – a Jack Russell cross – to the Methodist Hall in central London to cast his vote.

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