US Senator Warns AUMF Gives Federal Govt. Ability To Declare "International Martial Law"


Spiro Skouras


Published on Jan 25, 2016

The AUMF put for­ward by Mc­Con­nell would not re­strict the pres­id­ent’s use of ground troops, nor have any lim­its re­lated to time or geo­graphy. Nor would it touch on the is­sue of what to do with the 2001 AUMF, which the Obama ad­min­is­tra­tion has used to at­tack IS­IS des­pite that au­thor­iz­a­tion’s in­struc­tions to use force against those who planned the 9/11 ter­ror­ist at­tacks. By con­trast, the leg­al au­thor­ity put for­ward by the ad­min­is­tra­tion last Feb­ru­ary wouldn’t au­thor­ize “en­dur­ing of­fens­ive ground com­bat op­er­a­tions” and would have ended three years after en­act­ment, un­less reau­thor­ized.!Centurion-News-BREAKING-NEWS-ALERT-US-Senator-Warns-that-the-Federal-Govt-is-About-to-Declare-International-Martial-Law/cjds/56a6b1500cf2cede5a4f00d8

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