An Honest Conversation About Donald Trump


Stefan Molyneux


Published on Aug 3, 2015

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In the verge of the first debate amongst the Republican Presidential candidates, Donald Trump has a decisive lead - in both state and nationwide polls - over Jeb Bush, Scott Walker, Rand Paul, Ted Cruz, Ben Carson and the rest of the prospective nominees.

Singlehandedly bringing the topic of Illegal Immigration to the forefront of the national debate - Trump has been in the crosshairs of the established political class and the mainstream media. Being called everything from a racist to a rapist in recent weeks since announcing his candidacy, Trump has divided republicans, libertarians and independents, sparking a massive debate.

Love him or hate him, the ten billion dollar man doesn’t seem to be going anywhere and Trump’s entry into the political fray has certainly shaken things up. Stefan Molyneux and the Freedomain Radio team discuss the prospects of a Donald Trump presidential run, the possible pros, the cons, the effectiveness of political action, the impact of voting vs. not voting and what Trump’s unexpected surge in popularity means for the United States as a whole.

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