AUSCHWITZ - Official Death Toll Almost 300,000




Published on Sep 20, 2016

1948 an official German newsreel revealed nearly 300,000 died at Auschwitz. This newsreel contained a report on the closing scenes of the Krakow Auschwitz Trial late in 1947. Videotape of the German ARD Television broadcast, 'VOR VIERZIG JAHREN'
transmitted on the Third Programme on January 8, 1988. This contained thee entire German movie newsreel 'Wochenschau'
released in Germany forty years earlier, on January 8, 1948, with the title 'Welt im Film'. This newsreel contained a report on the closing scenes of the Krakow Auschwitz Trial late in 1947 in Poland.
Sealed and guarded since thee end of WWII at Arolsen, Germany, thee Official 'IRC' records (International Red Cross) reveal thee actual Concentration Camp total death toll was 271,301.


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