Professor Robert Faurisson in Sweden, 1992. An Introduction to Holocaust Revisionism.
Topics addressed by Pr. Robert Faurisson:-
● Comments on his 'hot reception' at the Stockholm airport and on numerous previous attacks he was submitted in France from
Jewish organizations.
● Pr. Faurisson exposes his views on revisionism by starting with his famous '60 words' (for the French sentence) statement.
● His 'easy' challenge put to the Swedish media: 'Show me or draw me a Nazi gas chamber'.
● The so called 'gas chambers' of Auschwitz.
● What do Revisionists say vs what do Exterminationists say on Holocaust. The main contradictions of the official historiography.
● What did really happen to the Jews during WWII. Mythical '6 millions' and real numbers.
● Survivors are eyewitnesses of what actually? 'If those numerous survivors are a living proof of something, it is that there was no extermination'.
● Probably 1 million Jews died mostly by natural causes during 6 years of wartime. The difference between 6 and 1 million is
5 millions.
● The alleged 'extermination of the Jews' and the so called 'orders of Hitler'.
● Why not a forensic examination for those alleged weapons of extermination?
● The pioneering revisionist work by Fred Leuchter, an expert on US gas chambers of execution.
● The question of the supposed Nazi homicidal gas chambers. Is it easy to gas massively without dying?
● The 'secret death factories' of Auschwitz-Birkenau. The Rudolf Germar Report.
● Chaos in Germany and Allied propaganda after liberating Nazi concentration camps.
● Lie and Historical lie. If it is exact, can you prove it?
● Revisionism is now the big intellectual adventure of the XXIth Century.
● Finally Pr. Faurisson answers to several usual questions made to Revisionism by the audience. The professional liars Elie Wiesel & Simon Wiesenthal.Jewish organizations
● This video was produced by Ahmed Rami.
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