Cymatics part 3 Application of Cymatic Therapy part 3


Margret Fern


Published on Mar 4, 2018

Reupload I have had no part in creating this video, merely uploading it to conserve it.

A Cymatic visualization of 432 Hertz sounding in a drop of water. This is the classic tuning, in harmony with myriad ancient teachings, and modern quantum physics, that should be used in performanc.

The CELL REGENERATION-A (Nogier) Sonation is applied in Sonatherapy to stimulate cellular repair and regeneration. It is often employed in various protocols for a broad range of conditions..

This is Base Chakra Harmonic from Cymatic Therapy. Cymatic Therapy treatment is usually given through a heavy instrument called Applicator though, you can experiment it using normal audio speakers.

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