Zeteticism Vol 1 Zetetic Eye Gyroscope 2nd dr, Curvature Illusion,Ocean currents,Etc


Margret Fern


Published on Mar 4, 2018

2nd draft of Z.E.G. model for Flat Earth, attempts to explain illusion of curvature (Chicago skyline), ocean currents, gravitation, Qantas flight 27, sunset, 24 hour Antarctica sunlight, and.

Reupload I have had no part in creating this video, merely uploading it to conserve it.

This channel is devoted to the empirical study of the zetetic Earth plane and the spheroidal dome sky ceiling. I am back in school, as of 2017, and have had trouble keeping up with zetetic.

In this fifth volume of the Zeteticism series, we explore how Earths sunset light reflection patterns are clearly, empirically, impossible over a convex surface, and sunsets show that sunset.

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