US bankers stole $7 trillion during COVID-19 lockdown, destroyed small businesses


Kevin Barrett


Published on Jun 16, 2020

The mainstream media seems to be part of a propaganda operation that is trying to change the conversation right now from what really matters, which is that the most powerful banking cabal in the world — the people who essentially own and operate the government of the United States, the West and much of the world — just stole at least $7 trillion, primarily from poor people, in the COVID lockdown which destroyed small businesses all over the world, which is starving poor people all over the world, and which led to the printing of unlimited money for the world's biggest and wealthiest bankers. It bailed them out of their debt crisis and gave them the right to give themselves and their friends as much money as they want by printing it out of thin air, and they are doing that even as we speak.$7-trillion-during-COVID-19-lockdown

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