What Noam Chomsky won’t tell you about COVID-19


Kevin Barrett


Published on Apr 11, 2020

recently blasted Donald Trump and spoke out against the criminal sanctions against Iran.

And that's all to the good. Chomsky is a very interesting, well informed for the most part, and acerbic commentator, and I have to agree with much of what he said, including when he called Donald Trump a “sociopathic buffoon.” I think that's quite accurate.

He pointed out that the US response to the Coronavirus pandemic has been the worst in the world, which is probably also true. He said that Trump and his minions are racing to the abyss and he pointed out that beyond the Coronavirus threat there are two even more immense threats, nuclear war and global warming.

So this kind of critique of US policy is, of course, useful as far as it goes. However, where I would differ from Chomsky and where I've differed with him in the past, is that I think he often doesn't go beneath the surface of the mainstream reporting of what's supposedly happening in the world. (See my Left Forum talk “Why Chomsky Is Wrong About 9/11” at https://youtu.be/M2dHdKEfGjQ.)

See: https://www.presstv.com/Detail/2020/04/10/622759/Noam-Chomsky-COVID-19-coronavirus-global-economy-kevin-barrett

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