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 Created Aug 3, 2010


I am Reverend Joseph Wallace. I have made this channel to warn parents and our youth about the evils of this horrendous noise.

For concerned parents:

Do you really want your children growing up to be a "gangsta", a thug, lowlife, wigger or a chav? I sure don't.

Observe society today. Everyone is dumbed down by rap and hip hop subculture. Children are now uneducated, lazy, ignorant and try too hard to be "gangsta" because rap music says it is acceptable to do so. These wannabes should stay in school and pull up their pants. Rap music glorifies the ghetto lifestyle, a lifestyle that promotes crime and sin. This Channel's Comments billboard is quite a good example of the average rap fan's "intelligence".

The rap and hip hop lifestyle has allowed people to use slang words such as, "yo", "dawg", "sick", "crib", "dope" and "bling bling" in the wrong context. It is proof that rap has infested our youth culture allowing people to disregard education and...