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 Created May 22, 2018

The Realist Guide

"The Realist Guide to Religion and Science" is a book written by Fr Robinson, a catholic priest and a Professor in Philosophy.
The book argues that epistemological realism is absolutely necessary to broker any peaceful co-existence of religion and science. The reason is that only realism is reasonable. And disagreements come when people are unreasonable, people and cultures of religion or science become unreasonable and come into conflict when they adopt non-realist worldviews.
Typically, religions have tended toward an idealism that devalues the material world and the empirical data that it provides, trumping that data by some a priori construct deriving from a false notion of God or a literalist reading of a sacred text. Typically, scientists have tended toward an empiricism that denies the existence or at least the intellectual worth of what is beyond the senses, thereby relegating religion to the realms of illusion or uselessness.