Limited: 7
 Videos: 476
 Views: 574,392
 Subscribers: 3,060
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 Created May 8, 2016
 Deleted Jun 8, 2020


I am a single father of two wonderful children whom I love with all my heart. I've been laid off from my job and I've been pursuing my passion for reporting on current events and politics. Currently, I am working full time on this YouTube channel in order to produce quality videos, many of which I break exclusively myself. I would greatly appreciate if you would find it in your heart to give a struggling father a chance at pursuing his dream and supporting his family on a single income. Please send whatever you can: absolutely anything helps in this time of desperate need. I accept PayPal, Bitcoin, and Ethereum, as listed below. Thank you in advance for your viewership and support of the channel!

PayPal: OR



Thank you and God Bless you....