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 Created Jan 22, 2016

Teds LibertyEducation

As the aspiring national Civil Rights spokesperson, number one homeless activists and leading, lay-person on the subject of 14th Amendment-Birth Right Citizenship, with the video taping and editing of Marc J. this series is produced to educate the original, intended meaning and purpose of the highly special, prized Congressional, Constitutional law.

You will learn from this amateur series of short videos on the subject that it does not belong to the babies-infants, children born of women illegally within the borders of the United States, as it is an custom and not even a statute fabricated by deliberate misconstruing the facts. See

You learn that as the Civil Rights laws and legacies belongs to American, white-Caucasian, Anglo-European, English speaking, US citizens, whereas, the freed chattel slaves-Freedmen, Freemen, refugees, negroes-blacks, coloreds, i.e. shades of black, and their...