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 Created May 27, 2016
 Deleted Dec 20, 2019

Red Shift

Hello, welcome to the Red Shift channel. :)
This channel is about things like female nature, the petrodollar, precious metals, government tyranny, neo-traditionalism, MGTOW, power, the NWO, technology, the future of the human race, and what we have to do to make sure the human race even survives. This is a channel mostly about MGTOW and how the above topics relate to it. I may seem like an extremist at times but, believe it or not, I'm not a hateful person; I'm just someone who realizes that harsh consequences are necessary to bring things back in balance once things get totally out of control (as they currently are) and who also realizes that the higher our standard of living gets due to advances in technology, the more important it is to brutally punish immorality that threatens societal stability, whether that punishment is societal or legal.