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 Created Aug 12, 2008


Assalama Alaykum wa Rahmat Allahi wa Barakatu.

Quotes of Sheikh Al-Islam, Ibn Taymiyyah, Rahimahullah:

"This whole religion revolves around knowing the truth and acting by it, and action must be accompanied by patience."

"Sins cause harm and repentance removes the cause"

"Sins are like chains and locks preventing their perpetrator from roaming the vast garden of tawhid and reaping the fruits of righteous actions."

"What can my enemies do to me? I have in my breast both my heaven and my garden. If I travel they are with me, never leaving me. Imprisonment for me is a chance to be alone with my Lord. To be killed is martyrdom and to be exiled from my land is a spiritual journey."
"Victory is changing the hearts of your opponents by gentleness and kindness." - Salah Ad-Din