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 Created Jun 16, 2011

Kadmos Phoinikou Kanaanon

Here you'll find not only those various uploads that have caught my attention, but, more importantly, those truly informative ones that address the issues that pertain to such subjects as anti-white sentiment in the media, the tragedy that is the decline of the Western civilization, and the displacement and dispossession of whites in their homelands and colonial countries; extreme Afrocentrism and Negroid fanatacism; Jewish supremacism, anti-gentilism, Zionist extremism, etc. Oh, and in case you're wondering, the avatar is a protest to the anti-whitism being spread in the media by it's lies and half truth regarding the Trayvon Martin case. Sit back and enjoy.

Oh, and in case you don't like my truth, then you can politely refrain from contacting me, or worse, nonsensically labeling me racist, supremacist, etc., because I'm not. :)