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 Created May 10, 2013

BIG Willie PK

Born and raised in Locarno, Switzerland. I had great parents, great family and until to this day I live to the fullest. I was never into politics because It just did not interest me. After 911, I did a little research and found out that it wasn't the Muslims that attacked the World Trade Center, but it was the evil Mossad that did it. I also noticed that anyone who speaks the truth will get killed like Michael Hastings. I have seen that a lot of blood around the world has been caused by religion, and this is why I turned atheist. I would rather give a homeless man some money than waste time in church. Our biggest problem that the world is facing is Zionism, these evil men are against all of us even those that are not religious. American federal reserve, IMF, aipac, congress is owned not by jews, but khazar jews aka zionists who kill in the name of Israel. There are millions of good jews that are against this. The world needs to wake up , destroy zionist impact on USA and banks. Peace