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 Created Jun 28, 2016
 Deleted Oct 29, 2019


de GARIS Masculist MGTOW Flyers

These Masculist MGTOW flyers (over 300 of them) are 2-3 page essays on MASCULIST MGTOW themes, written and read aloud by Prof. Dr. Hugo de Garis.

Prof. de Garis coined the term "masculist" in the early 70s and was the principal theorist of the European Masculist Movement in the early 80s, lobbying the European Parliament to get gender laws changed.

The core idea of the masculists is that women must be FIPs (financially independent persons) and not be fluffies (traditional women who expect to parasite off the money of a man). Fluffies are the enemy of the masculists. The primary political goal of the masculists is to wipe out manslavery worldwide this century by wiping out the fluffies (not by killing them, but ignoring them to death) thus forcing women to grow up, to FIPup. Those fluffies who refuse to become FIPs are punished by men by being totally ignored.