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 Created Oct 11, 2011

Brother Carlton

This channel seeks to glorify God the Father, the Son and the Holy Spirit by way of gospel preaching and Christian education. Jesus is Lord means we are to obey Him out of love and a heart purified by faith. (John 14:15; 1 Pet 1:22) To get a better idea of my theological thinking on various subjects as well as my poems, hymns, notes or thoughts can be found at
Here you will find several hundred postings. May the Lord richly bless you as you seek to do His heart. I seek to glorify God by expounding Truth, which include foremost the gospel which changes people's hearts and their thinking and behavior. I seek to also educate people about a Christian world and life view or perspective on theology, the Bible, politics, economics, money/finance, law, business and everything as it relates to the Christian faith. There is no neutrality. ...