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 Created May 3, 2008


This channel was created to expose the lies that are being put out in today's society as 'truth'. Zeitgeist: The Movie, was released in June of 2007. With its release millions of people viewed the film and believed every word within it. Part 1 of the film focused entirely on Christianity. The film claimed that: Christianity was borrowed from pagan myths, the Bible was plagiarized, Jesus wasn't a historical figure, Christianity was created for social control, and that the Bible is based on astrology. We are here to tell you that the makers of the film told you outright factual lies that are not backed with actual historical texts.

All of the videos listed here fully debunk, refute, and prove Zeitgeist: The Movie (part 1) factually and historically false. There is enough evidence on this site that will prove that. If you are a believer of Zeitgeist, please watch these videos.