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 Created Apr 21, 2010


David Duke's book - My Awakening / Romanian version * Cartea lui David Duke -Trezirea la Realitate

White Race - 8.2% of the World population left.
1.2 childrens for one white european couple - population halfening each generation.
From 8.2% Europeans left on Earth, only about half are white womans..
4.5% of the world population at this moment are white womans.
2/3 of them are either to young or to old, unable to have childrens or simply choose not to have.
The 1/3 remaining from 4.5% must give birth to the new generation of white people. And they are only having average 1.2 childrens for each two pearsons.
If we add the aggressive advertising in Media for racial mixing showing/teaching black/asian/middle-eastern/gipsy males mating almost exclusively with white females( ! ), we understand that the number of childrens that will carry on the white race is much lower. And the "multicultural" agenda will continue with them.