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 Created Mar 9, 2012
 Deleted Jul 1, 2019


Africa for africans
Asia for asians
White countries for everyone?!

No one says a country that is 100% black needs more "diversity".
No one says a country that is 100% asian needs more "diversity".
ALL White countries and ONLY White countries always need to be more "diverse".
White countries only stop needing to be more "diverse" when there are no white people left in them.
"More diversity" always means Less White people.
"Diversity" is a Codeword for White GeNOcide.

Anti-whites call themselves "anti-racists" and promote massive immigration and forced assimilation for ONLY White countries. And then they talk about a brown future in formerly white countries.
They say they are "anti-racists". What they are is Anti-White.
"Anti-racist" is a Codeword for Anti-White.

Nothing justify a future without White children.
"Anti-racist" is a Codeword for Anti-White.