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 Created Jul 4, 2009

Lauren Martins

Hi guys I'm Lauren, in my early 20's, Brazilian/British, I studied 3 years Biology & Engineering at UNIPAM University, before moving to London. I'm a Transgirl, Atheist, capitalist, Euro Nationalist, environmentalist & anti-Islam/theism. I'm a Paraglider, activist for wingload equality in our sport since my teen years, recently started hanggliding and wingsuiting, I'm also a former falconer. I have passion for music, flying & glider design. I like outdoor sports, being in nature, also like a good night out with friends & visiting family back in Brazil. I have interest in Astronomy, Design & Green tech. I also have interest in documentaries, singing, modeling. I follow SpaceX, Tesla, LILIUM & AGM Applied Graphene since their start. I'm on Youtube since 2006. IQ 116 + mild Aspergers.

"Once one becomes an Atheist and understands her/his place in the universe, she/he will reach the highest level of consciousness" Lauren Martins

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