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 Created Apr 15, 2018

Hitchens Archive

Mr Hitchens was a journalist, public intellectual and literary critic. He was an world traveling,
scotch whiskey swilling, cigarette smoking bad ass. He had absolutely no fear of standing in front of a crowd of thousands shouting him down as he alone defended the sane and the true. His arguments were impeccable. His ability to express himself was second to none. In short, he was the single best human being to have ever lived.

In 2011, we lost him. This channel was created to preserve his ideas and arguments.

We are surrounded by dipshits. Dithering nobodies are championing the renowned conman and charlatan Donald Trump as the hero of democracy and savior of the West. Cry babies at college campuses around the West are demanding safe spaces from ideas they find challenging. Woo peddlers like Jordan Peterson are sleepwalking millennials and Sargon of Akkad fans back to religion.

In the age of lunacy, we need Mr Hitchens and his wisdom more than ever.