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 Created Dec 15, 2012

Kovaso Bix

5 Tenets of a Likudnik aka FMZ.

Anyone can be a Likudnik, irrespective of your faith, gender, race or political beliefs. you must believe in the following;

1) God (that real estate agent in the sky) gifted a parcel of land called Greater Israel, to his chosen people, the Israelites.
2) You believe his chosen people can do no wrong, particularly their way of life, security trumps that of any other people or nation, irrespective of any recognised international laws.
3) No other state, law, consensus can overturn Likudnik dogma or what is prophesied in the bible, torah and talmud.
4) Slavishly support Israel in every endeavour, sustaining its existence, misusing your position, power/influence to defend it from any criticism or challenges questioning the iniquitous status quo.
5) Israel will engage in whatever means to justify its ends, to bring about Moshiach (see Rebbe Netanyahu), the end of days.

See FMZ playlist for more info, or paste...