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 Created Sep 18, 2010


This page is about attacking ALL warmongering scum and racists, be they American, British, Israeli or Muslim etc.
That doesn't make me anti American, anti Semitic. anti British nor anti Muslim. I'm anti warmongers and racist scum
so if you support repressive governments in their attempts to repress, invade, occupy and kill the occupants of any
country (including their own) for any reason that doesn't involve national self defence, you are a cunt.
Nuf sed.

A lot of you BNP/EDL morons and American warmongers say I'm a Muslim. Here's the truth. I'm white, English and Agnostic.


Did you know that in 1962 the US Government planned to attack and kill American citizens then blame it on Cubans
and use that as an excuse to invade Iraq......sorry, Cuba. It was called...
Google it.