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 Created Mar 12, 2006

Tommy Richards

A bond-servant of Messiah. A thankful member in the body of Christ. Powerfully born again over 20 years ago. Powerfully forgiven through faith in the death of Jesus and the blood He shed for me, personally. Powerfully baptized into the New Covenant through the baptism in God's holy spirit. And now striving with all my heart against sin, the flesh and the devil by striving with all my heart to walk after the Spirit of the Lord each and every day (keeping the first and greatest commandment[s] - Matt 22:34-40). Forgiving all, confessing my sin to the Lord and seeking His forgiveness and grace and power and mercy. Jesus is my only righteousness and standing before God the Father. In Christ I stand by His mercy. I pray the Father bless you all in the Name (spotless reputation) of Jesus the Messiah.