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 Created Sep 29, 2016

Wayward Vlogging

Byenia here. Just another voice out here in the internet wilderness, sharing what I find and pondering on what it might all mean...

FOR THE RECORD, THIS CHANNEL SERVES AS A SHOWCASE OF EXAMPLES OF RACISM AND CRIMINALITY, along with other things. I am by no means promoting the attitudes expressed therein but rather am saving and sharing them as evidence to help counter claims that have grown popular asserting that racial problems are primarily a one-way street where white folks supposedly are unfair to all others, particularly black and muslim folks. That narrative is being taken too far.

My blog:

Not into Facebook or most other social media sites.

Mostly interested in disseminating information I find while out here perusing around... My aim right now (Jan. 2017) is to showcase racism and thuggery that's plaguing our country at this time, counterbalancing what I'm...