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 Created Apr 19, 2019

Ꭼxpl๏sives Ꮮab๏rat๏rƴ

Kind Greetings

We are a new, permitted, explosives/energetic materials & pyrotechnics channel. Our goal is of providing info & examples on various energetic compositions, as well as creation/testing of devices made from obtainable materials. Basic, uncommon, new, or far out/experimental primary & secondary explosives, pyrotechnics, including mortar shells, salutes, rockets, gerbs, roman candles, MTDs, smoke devices, flares, stars, & more. We love creating new formulas through research & development as well. Whether it be flash powders, rocket propellants, H.E.’s, binary primary explosives or anything in between, we are always trying new things… Please, do not endeavor to emulate or simulate any of the events & experimentation carried out on this channel without proper safety, training, licensing, & legality protocols in place. We are in no way accountable for your possible irresponsibility. This channel was created for such purposes pertaining...