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 Created Sep 5, 2009


~John Kuhles owns this Tribute Channel (like a fan-club) Women4Truth supports 1200+ female truthers ~click on:

~I am a son of a famous known Dutch woman activist (author of 4 books, lecturer, speaker, street activist, organizer of big successful protest marches, initiator of creating a shelter for abused women and much more) I like to show to the world how many different women truthers are out there that CAN make a difference inspiring other women to not be shy, breaking the cliché stereotyping truthers as a whole. Truthers are all walks of life who are totally fed up with the lies & mass deceptions pushed by mass-media, governments, education-systems, corporatism & religious systems. It is not only a "men thing" to become pro-active :)

~btw males are welcome!