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 Created Apr 21, 2011


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"Whenever one of us becomes increasingly religious his first priority becomes correcting other people. This similitude is that of a person with lethal cancer who is worried about some one else's common cold. One who himself is severly afflicted (with muhlekat-e-nafs) never cares about other's minor aliment. The problem is that we do not know our diseases as yet. Once we find out the deadly diagnosis all of these sermons for-others, hurting comments, slander and back-biting will disappear." [Hazrat Moulana Mohammad Taqi Usmani sahib db]



The Prophet (PBUH) once asked his companions: "Do you know who the bankrupt one is?"

The companions replied: "A bankrupt person amongst us is the one who doesn't have a dirham or any possessions."

The Prophet (PBUH) said:...