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 Created Nov 13, 2008


My purpose on Youtube is to preach the truth. The videos i upload are aimed at the sheep in the hope people wake up from their slumber.

I am 100% against Islam
I am 100% against Marxism
I am 100% against the New World Order (NWO)

I stand united with Nationalists and Patriots (Not just in the UK, but all over the world)
I stand with the UK
I stand with the American people
I stand with the Israeli's
I stand with Serbia
I stand with all Freedom lovers

I oppose the creeping Islamisation of my nation and our entire civilisation. I also oppose the Cultural Marxist doctrines of Multiculturalism, Mass Immigration and Political Correctness..

I oppose all forms of violence, intimidation, terrorism and all racism is bad. Any hateful language will be deleted on my page..So for those who want to cause violence and hurt innocent people (Muslim or non-Muslim) please LEAVE MY PAGE NOW and DO NOT come back!. This page does NOT...