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 Created Dec 12, 2008

hannibal lecter

what is anti semite?
Normal human: What's anti-semitism?
Zionist: Well, since Israel is a Jewish state, any criticism of Israel is anti-semitism.
NH: Israel is a Jewish state and has acted despicably toward the Palestinians. It deserves criticism!
Zio: Ooh! You anti-semite! How could you say such a thing! Are you a Nazi? Oh!oh!oh! Anti-semite!
NH: Actually, Israel's despicable actions have made anti-semitism almost respectable.
Zio: Oooohh!! [Faints rather than acknowledge facts evident to everyone else.]
Convo with a Zionist
Gentile:Who gave you the land ?
Zionist:G-D did
G:Do you believe in G-D?
Z:Errrrrrrrrr(after a long pause).....NO


Zionist Psychopaths

hannibal lecter

Published Sep 30, 2009


Meet the ZIONIST settler

hannibal lecter

Published Mar 11, 2009