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 Created Oct 31, 2021

7grainsofsalt 4

7grainsofsalt4 first began with the channel 7grainsofsalt, sharing at first about Hillsong, Esther Houston and gradually it lead into everything inside the churches around the world & all around us. All of this started after praying and asking Jesus not to be blind in the last days.

Since YT took down my main channel, I have continued opening new channels with the same name, but just adding a number behind the name. Currently I have 7grainsofsalt3, 4 & now 5. Plus I have a Patreon, a Bitchute account & a TikTok account, but my main focus is YT still at this time. In Bitchute try spelling my name out- sevengrainsofsalt.

My main message to anyone watching my videos is; test everything & trust nobody except for Jesus. Be wise as serpent & innocent as doves. Listen to all, but reseach everything (affiliates & more) because today many are leading others towards the wide path. Trust Jesus & He will lead us all towards the truth. Fear not,...