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 Created Oct 28, 2009

David Rose

Look at the evidence on this YouTube channel and you can see there needs to be a new official investigation into 9/11, with full transparency. The popular conspiracy theories about 9/11, such as controlled demolition, are a distraction and they only help the official cover-up, through discursive marginalisation ( Because of conspiracy theories such as Controlled Demolition and "No plane hit the Pentagon", all skepticism and doubt about the official 9/11 story is framed by the mainstream as "conspiracy theory'. This has allowed those responsible for 9/11 in the CIA, FBI, NSA and the Presidential Executive to escape accountability and justice. Nobody is to blame for 9/11. There was a "failure of imagination". This is nonsense. Popular internet based 9/11 Conspiracy theories only help the official 9/11 cover up. Read: