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 Created Jun 24, 2014

American Born Republic

We are the American Born Republic, only in the United States of America. Be proud of your Citizenship. You are legally a true America.

The American Born Republic consists of proud, true blooded American citizens. We are not Anchor babies. Our parents entered the United States legally, and considered an asset to this nation. They are givers, not takers. They work and they work hard. Unlike the, disorderly illegal alien criminals and drug traffickers that sneak into the U.S. illegally wanting hand outs and for the U.S. Government to take care of them. The United States welcomes all immigrants that enter the country legally and that follow legal immigration protocol.

If you proudly fit the narrative above, be a part of the American Born Republic by simply liking this page @ You are now in the American Born Republic. Be proud of yourself, your parents,...