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 Created Nov 27, 2020

Inside Saint Petersburg Russia

Welcome to 📹Inside Saint Petersburg Russia 📹, the right channel to discover the beauty of St. Petersburg and get a real sense of the country and everyday life of Russian people without filters.

Hey there👋! I am Davide, an Italian Expat working and living in St. Petersburg, Russia since 2012.

I have started this YouTube channel to bring a piece of today's new Russia into your home. Here I will try to entertain and delight you by showing you not only every cool place you can find in the beautiful city of Peter the Great but also I will be sharing with you some useful and interesting information about the land of the Tsars, including travel tips, personal thoughts, and everything I can think of. 🤔

Be sure to subscribe to the channel so you never miss any of my videos. Don't forget to comment, share, and say hello - plus, let me know what kind of videos you'd like to see.

Thanks for checking out my YT channel.
