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 Created Dec 13, 2007

Rick Nischalke

I'm a loving & capable father that's been forcefully separated from his 2 sons since 1999.
I had never even heard of "Parental Alienation" until I lived it. I had no idea that any parent would be sick or selfish enough to "poison" their own children in order to hurt their ex-spouse.

I thought that my experience with the family courts was an extremely unusual miscarriage of justice. I have since come to find out that I was wrong.

Please, if you are alienating your children from one of their parents, STOP!

If you know someone that is abusing a child like this and you do or say nothing, you are just as guilty as the perpetrator themselves...

Please help in the fight against Parental Alienation. To learn more, or find tools & resources to combat and heal from this deadly form of abuse, please visit

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