InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Sep 25, 2017

BREAKING NEWS ALERT: Delete your Face Book Messenger APP ASAP (Be a partner https://www.patreon.com/insponews )as it has just been verified that Zuckerberg's FB techie army of globalist voyeurs, peeping Toms, spies and creepy strangers can see you through your smart phone front & back camera, listen to you on your microphone, scan, copy & store all your private texts & emails & track your whereabouts 24/7 with full Federal regulatory authorization. Ostensibly the benign explanation of this is that they simply want to learn your buying habits and interests to sell you something. * KEEP YOUR FACE BOOK PAGE BUT PLEASE DELETE YOUR NEW FACE BOOK MESSENGER APP ASAP - its the portal to a major spying cyber center. But sorry to say it's far deeper than that chaps. That's right, they are prepping us all for the New World Order Tyranny where there will be NO privacy & where all speech that disagrees with their Face Book World, Apple World, Google World WORLD VIEW & philosophy of life can be deemed "HATE SPEECH" & censored, blocked and soon criminalized by an arbitrary standard set by some tyrannical panel who decides right & wrong for the rest of us and that answers to no one but themselves. This sounds like a humanist, New Age, NWO version of the "Holy" Council of the Grand Ayatollahs & Immans of Islam who alone can judge what is permissible speech and who can spy and incarcerate any one as an ultimate authoritarian- totalitarian court of final decision on people's loves. THE END OF FREEDOM IS NEAR. A few Cyberspace- transnationalist corporations monopolies and lie their Muslim Imman counterparts soon will control what we can say and how we can communicate in a dark, foreboding and Orwellian sense. These monopolies need some stiff anti-trust action by are rather timid and often Islam & NWO tyranny complaint Dept. of Justice.
So what does an Islamic Terror attack on a Tube Train in London last week have to do with Face Book Messenger APP & the encroachment on individual Free Speech & fundamental liberties and privacy rights granted to Americans in our US Constitution & Bill of Rights? EVERYTHING!!! Since Sept. 11th 2001 Muslim attack on America and timed with the advent of advanced communications tech - the New World Order Tyrants - DEEP STATE CIA, NSA & British Intelligence agencies have seized great expanses of personal liberty & privacy with the legal & illegal ability to covertly surveille, spy, intercept, tap, track and invade our private worlds in every conceivable way. We saw this with the corrupt & illegal (& FISA warranted) DNC spying by Obama (POTUS) - Susan Rice (NSA)- Jim Comey (FBI) - John Brennan(CIA) - James Clapper (DNI) , Bob Mueller (DOJ Special Counsel) etc. on the GOP opposition candidate Donald J. Trump, his family, Trump Towers, Paul Manafort, General Mike Flynn, Don Trump Jr. etc. in 2016 through the present . Nazi police state tactics now being employed to raid Manafort's home with armed Federal agents in the dead of night with forced or picked lock entry without notice etc. in an unconstitutional violation of privacy & due process. to sign off on witch hunt warrants & invade homes of private citizens in attempts to frame political opponents and thus deprive "we the people " and the Founders Electoral College - the power to vote and determine what elected leaders they would choose in accordance with our sacred US Constitution. This is a coup by Deep State left wing and islamist Globalist alliance that hate Christian nationalist President Donald J. Trump and the idea of national patriotism and national sovereignty- abhorrent to the New World Order paradigm for world peace and a one world economy and distribution system.
There is no difference between globalist tyranny of the humanistic brand and the Totalitarian ideology of the Islamic Caliphate - both are spy states. Both deprive their citizens the right of free speech, free press, freedom of expression, freedom of religious beliefs etc.
In this very HARD HITTING, truthful, painfully honest, rude, blunt and to the point news report (unfiltered and without editorial parameters)
Us & Them" by Federico SONGS: Contrition: Ancient Celtic Prayer (Deliver Us from Evil) - EP by Federico Cardella & London Symphony
Desire by Federico Cardella
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