Deep State/Tucker Attack Trump: Mueller Leaks to NY Times he will go after Trump family finances.


InspoNews - Federico Intelligence Report


Published on Jul 24, 2017

BREAKING: Normally I like Tucker. But my first loyalties go to President Trump. All too often, I am surprised by people I normally like in the MSM (main stream media). Tucker Carlson is no exception. Listen to his comments here. Watch this riveting report and i think you too will agree that even Fox News has now become a conduit (other than true conservatives Sean Hannity, Lou Dobbs & a couple of others ) for Deep State propaganda and condescending lecturing by shallow talk show hosts. Our great President is in a constant battle- please keep him in your prayers for if we do- he is sure to come out on top! 1 Timothy 2:2 And as with his Fox News prime time, forerunner Megyn Kelly, Tucker Carlson is also proving to be a wuss when it comes to DJT. SUPPORT InspoNews - (Square) A donation is appreciated. TO SUBSCRIBE, SELECT BELL & "GET NOTIFICATIONS" GET THE SONGS:
Tucker is now berating President Trump & welcoming DOJ Special Counsel's Inquisition/witch hunt of the New World Orders Executioner ROBERT "The Axe" Mueller. Mueller is a globalist, DNC operative and heavy supporter of Hillary Clinton. How on earth can Hillary with all her lies, obstruction of justice, destruction of evidence under subpoena etc. be watching the new President be super investigated -- cheering the New World Order shadow government & its prosecutor henchman Robert Mueller advance on in his quest to DESTROY the populist Presidency of Donald J. Trump -- by going on a fishing expedition for regarding Trumps Tax returns and personal & family financial records. This is far more stressful & worse than Gestapo IRS targeting of Trump in 10 year long audit! The IRS, DNC, Globalist Deep State wants the Nationalist, America first leader of the free world gone.
Oddly enough, it was the President's own pick for Attorney General, self righteous Jeff Sessions, who selfishly put his avoidance of even the "appearance" of impropriety above the legal protection of his new boss- the President of the United States. By recusing himself FOR NO REASON other than to expedite his nomination process and to protect his own reputation, he THREW PRESIDENT TRUMP UNDER THE BUS. he opened the door for Washington insider, DC Swamp, NEOCON, never Trumper SNAKES like Ben Rosenstein & his legal assassin buddy Robert Mueller to launch an all our assault, to drag the President before Senate hearings Gran Juries and seek impeachment, fines, impeachment, removal from office or all of the above. Mueller should already be fired for his legal staff-deputies leaking and bragging to the New York Times (Alt Government PR branch )how they were not only going after the President - but his entire family they seek to indict and jail. All of this domino effect is because Jeff Sessions ( apparently afraid of his own shadow) - at the outset of his nomination hearing, opened the door of the hen house to every DNC/NEOCON trump hating rat, snake, fox and Coyote in Washington DC - not to attack him but Trump. Christopher Wray, (the new FBI Director pick) echoed this treasonous sentiment as well at his Senate confirmation hearing - agreeing with the President on nothing - but siding with Mueller and the liar Jim Comey etc. STOP! My question at this point is - "Who in Hades is advising President Trump?" They should all be fired as well-- the good President and the 65 million Americans (now grown to over 100 million strong)who voted him into office. It's time their voices were heard at 1600 Penn Ave. 1-202-456-1414. Its time for a march on Washington to take our nation back. It's time for our president to fire some of the RINO GOP regular advisers who keep guiding him down brier patches . It's time for President Trump to begin to execute the POWERS (like no other Chief Executive) on earth, to FIRE the entire group of Sessions, Rosenstein, Mueller & IMMEDIATELY and start from scratch appointing a NEW AG who is both loyal to him as Commander in Chief and to the US Constitution (not mutually exclusive!) Our founding fathers granted the president full executive power over the armed forces and DOJ and all Law enforcement in this nation. He should wield against these traitors and cowards (who would thwart the will of the people to Make America Great Again) the executive authority to fire them all and endure what blow back may come form the treasonous, globalist left wing media and Congress or Obama appointed left wing federal bench. He will survive this for sure with a conservative supreme Court. He must act NOW or face 4 years of harassment or worse - a jaded legal process where by he is removed from office or pressured to resign. He can take comfort in the fact that his noble & august predecessors, Washington, Jefferson and Madison - left him broad and sweeping powers over his sphere of governance in the executive branch ! Use it or LOSE IT! ... Federico Cardella InspoNews "We tell you like it is."

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