Bulgaria says no to euro


Pravda Report


Published on Jul 15, 2015

Bulgaria's Minister of Labour and Social Policy Ivaylo Kalfin said his country was not ready to join the eurozone. According to him, the Bulgarian economy was "significantly far behind the EU average level." The introduction of the euro currency would lead to lamentable consequences for Bulgaria, the official said. According to the minister, the current situation in Greece was an example of what the euro may cause to a weak economy.

Ekaterina Shumitskaya, researcher at the Department for European Policy Studies

"Greece and Bulgaria are the countries where eurosceptic sentiment is strong. This sentiment is about negative consequences of the European integration. In a nutshell, euroskeptics believe that it is good to be a member of the European Union, but there should be another way for solving negative consequences. The way that the EU offers for solving national problems of Eastern and Southern Europe is not effective. Even most skeptic european countries do not want to exit the European Union. They search for the optimal combination of the policy and national interests of separate countries."

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