COVID-19: What Are The Prophets Saying? Lance Wallnau, Shawn Bolz, Mario Murillo, Johnny Enlow, More


Lance Wallnau


Published on Mar 16, 2020

I want to share with you what the prophets are saying about Covid-19. God is speaking about the coronavirus and I have the latest from Rick Joyner, Shawn Bolz, Mario Murillo, Cindy Jacobs, Johnny Enlow and more!

In fact, I was talking to Rick Joyner last week, and he said that Bob Jones had been rebuked by the Lord. It was when SARS, swine flu, Ebola - one of those outbreaks was going on when Bob prayed to the Lord about it. God said to him, "well, why are you tolerating this?" Now Bob Jones then said, "Lord what do you mean? I'm not tolerating it, I'm just praying about it!" The Lord said, "I did not send it, why are you tolerating it? I'm calling upon the prophets to end it." Now of course all of those outbreaks were huge news, then boom - they just disappeared like that. Of course, this one we're facing now is a little different so we are also going to pray in this video. Watch it all the way to the end and agree with me that God would heal the sick, save the nations, deliver us from the pandemic, and remove the plague of fear.

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