Stand With Me!


Stefan Molyneux


Published on Jun 10, 2013

0:05 - You tend to use the word "believe" frequently. I've always considered words like believe and hope to be squirrelly concepts, and tend to avoid them (unless I want to be intentionally squirrelly). Question: when you use the word in your lectures, what do you intend the meaning of "believe" to be?

1:25 - What is the appropriate way to deal with people who are in government or the military or police, etc., since they tend to think they are already being moral and good people?

3:27 - I agree that the change to freedom will probably take generations, but how big do you think is the risk of things going so far down tyranny road that there would be no way back. especially with this new police state technologies... So my proposal would be to do what we can for the future- peaceful education, and at the same time to make sure that in the short term things don't get extreme.

7:52 - Does eating animal products such as milk, eggs and meat violate the non-aggression principle?

9:57 - Could your views on religion (and by extension, the religious) be viewed as a type of collectivism? Can it be considered collectivist to stereotype the religious without knowing them individually?

11:51 - How can I prepare for therapy?

13:06 - Why did you elect mainstream chemo and radiation treatment rather than a free market, non-establishment treatment? Why do you trust the medical establishment when they engage in fraud, monopoly, coercion, propaganda and collaboration with the state? They have probably already cured cancer but suppress the cures.

15:24 - How important is homeschooling a child? What do you suggest to solve issues of friendships? Also a child brought up by your standards is likely to be far more intelligent and open minded than other children their age, how would this effect the child around those children? Is there any important aspect of public education which can be missed out in homeschooling and how would you suggest to fill in these gaps?

17:14 - I am currently in high school and since I started to become a lot more aware of the world around me, all I have felt like doing is slamming my head against a wall every time I listen to my teachers. I genuinely want to learn a lot of the things that are being taught but the way schools are currently is so frustrating. Well my actual question is, what is your views on schooling and how did you deal with it when you were younger?

20:52 - Since I have been putting a lot of effort in being a non-aggressor and just generally being a nice person, I have noticed that I feel really bad when I fail to walk the talk. I obviously blaim my parents for this but since people don't make that connection, I feel a strong responsibility to take it up on myself and attack myself for my failure to be good. These slips don't occur often but they stand out since I have become a much better person. Since you had a bad childhood yourself and thus might have to deal with the same issue I do, what do you do and feel when you fail to walk your talk?

23:46 - In the Sunday Show video 'Reality As Conspiracy' you say that you cannot grant anybody the label of virtue. On the other hand, I've heard you many times say that you love your listeners, the world, etc. I also understand that you adhere to Ayn Rand's definition of love - involuntary response to virtue. Since, as you say in the show, virtue is not easy, and you have no knowledge regarding the virtue of those you say you love, then you must be referring to another kind of love - which? This has been bugging me for a while, since I am an avid consumer of your podcasts and books. Could you please elaborate on this? I would really appreciate it.

27:10 - What is your best argument to yelling parents? We have some relatives and friends who yell at their children. When I comment on the situation, they react as if I shouldn't get involved in their parenting.

33:14 - I try to be very rational and reasonable in my life; I'm a scientist, but sometimes I catch myself suspending my doubts or questions when I know someone probably has already doubted/questioned themselves, e.g. other scientists whom I know to be rational and applying the scientific method, am I overlooking some pitfall here? I know we should really question everyone/everything to find the truth but is it perhaps okay in that instance?

38:40 - What would be an accurate philosophical definition of "Human Capital"?

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