David Irving - Smear Campaigns to Stifle Truth in History




Published on Mar 16, 2019

Timely message for today. Free speech is being attacked around the world!

In this speech, a very angry David Irving recalls incident after incident, where the Holocaust Lobby (he coined the phrase, "The Traditional Enemy",) tried to discredit, his up till then, brilliant career, as a skilled biographer of important historical people of WWII.

It's a very outspoken discussion about the little-known, AND career destroying modus operandi of the gate-keepers of the traditional, but NEVER forensically verified, "Holocaust" claims of large-scale mass-gassings, shooting, etc.


This is a very interesting and eye-opening speech of how political correctness AND The Usual Enemies of Free Speech, have made countries that claim to be free and democratic, into what can only be described completely as police states with politically correct 'thought crime' prosecuting entities!

Truth Does Not Fear Investigation.

"He who wins the War, also writes the history".

"The Truth Shall Make You Free".

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