Ancestral Productions August 9, 2015


Ancestral Productions


Published on Aug 9, 2015

If you are new here welcome! Please take note that all of our historical analysis, claims, and challenges are done so within the parameters of Dr. Francisco Gil White’s Historical and Investigative Research (HIR) method. You can educate yourself on the HIR method here:

You can read about the African and Ashkenazi Jew bloodline genetic link here:

You can read about several remnants of ancient Israelite/Canaanite culture still resonant in Western Africa here:

These same Israelite/Canaanite groups have been described by Dr. Cheikh Anta Diop (1974, pp 100-123) as “Egypto- Phoenicians” (I shall be returning to this perspective in force).


Diop, Cheikh. The African Origin of Civilization Myth or Reality.
Chicago, Illinois: Lawrence Hill Books, 1974.

You can read a synopsis of Hillary Clinton’s potential legal problems here:
Article: “From Whitewater to Benghazi: A Clinton Scandal Primer” by David A. Graham

Unarmed White Teen killed by law enforcement officer:

Hypocrite Clinton is facing criminal probe:

Black lives matter movement interrupts Bernie Sanders:

You can view a pathetic apologetic article that appears to both deny and rationalize Margaret Sanger’s ties to eugenics and its racist population control program here:

At one point in the article the writer attempts to rationalize Sanger’s racism citing the following statement: “Margaret Sanger had no choice but to engage eugenics. It was a mainstream movement, like public health or the environment today.” More damaging the writer also admits, in a prior statement, that “Sanger did embrace ideas about eugenics that were popular in the 1920s….”

Both of the latter citations bring us to two key observations: 1) It is well documented that the 1920’s Eugenics movement was based upon the tenets of “scientific” racism; and 2) Margaret Sanger was a vocal supporter of the eugenics movement which necessarily includes its racist tenets (the two cannot be separated).

When we consider the above citations in light of the latter two observations it remains clear that Margret Sanger was a racist. The statement that “Margaret Sanger was NOT a racist” is, quite frankly, a bunch of malarkey.

I would like to see the same author falsify the “MAAFA 21” documentary data provided below which pertains to Margaret Sanger’s racism and her ties to Planned Parenthood:

MAAFA 21 documentary

~ The new church has no walls ~

~ The new school has no walls ~

This has been an Ancestral Production

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